New Logo. Same High-Quality Care
Date Posted: September 13, 2023

New logo. Same high-quality care.
It may take a little getting used to, but Catalina Island Medical Center is now Catalina Island Health. Although the brand looks a bit different, it doesn’t change our commitment to providing high-quality care and serving our community. Our medical center is so much more than a hospital or clinic, so using the broader term of “health” in our name better represents our mission: wrap around care for the whole person.
In fact, some wonderful changes are coming with the name change. You’ll notice that Catalina Island Health logo appears in conjunction with UCI Health. Through this partnership, the residents and visitors we serve will have access to more specialized care and physicians than ever before.
It will take some time to transition to the new name, with digital assets being the first to change. The full rebranding will roll out in the coming weeks and months. To learn more about the name change, please visit our FAQ.