[00:04] Just wanted to say hello again this is Ed McGroarty, one of the family physicians up here at the clinic.
[00:10] And today we wanted to discuss a little bit about prevention. It's become very important because we recognize with this whole coronavirus outbreak that many of the patients that did really poorly had significant medical problems.
[00:25] So we'd like to invite you guys to come up and make appointments so that we can do a preventative visit. The main reason behind this is to look at things that you may need and do things at the encounter in order to try and prevent further problems.
[00:38] When we talk about things that you may need we want to look at other vaccinations I'm very proud to say that the community here has been
vaccinated you know quite briskly, and we've done a very good job of getting everyone vaccinated for COVID-19.
[00:54] There's other vaccines that need to be done in order to keep everybody healthy, both yourself and the community.
[01:00] They include vaccines for children as well as adult vaccines. We'd like to also be able to screen you for diabetes which is something that many people don't know they have until we actually do some testing for it
[01:11] Getting here into the office we'll be able to look at your blood pressure, heart rate, do a physical exam and be able to make sure that we have you as tuned up as possible for the summertime as well as seeing you on an annual basis.
[01:25] There's other preventative needs that many people may have, we're able to do pap smears and also gynecologic exams, well woman exams here.
[01:35] If there's other things that you need for surgical pre-operative type of procedures we can certainly do those. We offer a variety of services we just want to invite you back since we are now exclusively primarily doing inpatient or in-clinic visits.
[01:53] If you have any questions or want to come see me please make sure you call the office, we're happy to talk with any of you and invite you to come see me here at the office.
[02:03] Thanks so much and stay in good health.