CI Health COVID-19 on Protocol for Positive Tests
Date Posted: August 12, 2020

Healthcare workers, physicians, nurses and medical center staff are unfortunately more vulnerable and at greater risk of exposure to disease and infections, especially while caring for patients during a pandemic like COVID-19. CI Health has been working diligently to implement additional infectious disease control measures since the pandemic began to protect the health and safety of our community, patients, and staff.
With the increase in cases across Los Angeles County, CI Health recognizes that the risk for exposure for our caregivers also increases. As part of our COVID 19 response plan, CI Health has instituted protocols to manage employees that are exposed to COVID-19. CI Health adheres to the protocols outlined by the CDC. Click here to read CDC guidelines.
To keep the community informed and maintain the upmost transparency, CI Health wants to share that one of our employees tested positive for COVID-19. We are closely monitoring the employee’s health and recovery. The employee that tested positive has been in self-quarantine since detecting symptoms and is being followed by our providers.
CI Health has a focused effort on continuously strengthening infection prevention and control practices, including:
- Ensuring standard precautions for all patient encounters
- Daily screening of all staff, visitors and patients for symptoms consistent with COVID-19
- Enforcing social distancing between healthcare caregivers and patients when not
- involved in direct patient care
- Staff is asked to not report to work when ill or if they have symptoms of COVID-19
- Staff is required to wear a medical mask at all times when in the facility as an additional protective measure to limit potential spread among staff and to patients
Patients and employees who have been in close contact with an employee of CI Health that has contracted COVID-19 will be contacted and informed. The CDC defines close contact as:
- Being within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more
- Provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19
- Had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them)
- Shared eating or drinking utensils
- Being within range of someone who has then sneezed, coughed or otherwise shared respiratory droplets with you
CI Health remains committed to serving our community, patients and staff through this challenging time. We invite you to continue visiting our coronavirus page to stay updated.