Medi-Cal Application Assistance Event
Date Posted: January 8, 2024

Medi-Cal Application Assistance Event
Join us for a Medi-Cal application assistance event on Tuesday, January 16th from 5pm to 7pm at the CI Health Clinic.
Great News! Medi-Cal is expanding its coverage to undocumented California residents ages 19-49. We will be hosting a Medi-Cal Application Evening Event at the Cl Health Clinic to help newly eligible folks sign up for Medi-Cal. Services will be provided in English and Spanish.
What to Bring:
• Photo ID (example: CA ID, CA DL, Passport, Green Card, Mexico ID, etc)
• SS card (if you have one NOT NECESSARY to apply)
• Pay stubs for last two pay periods for all current jobs
If you are applying for anyone other than yourself, please bring all the information requested above for all household members you are applying for.
Reserve your spot now by calling (310) 510-0096.